
All patients are expected to pay in full at the time of service.

Below are some of the standard prices for chiropractic and massage services. Please give us a call with any questions or to schedule an appointment.

Initial examination: $45-$95 depending on complexity
Chiropractic Adjustment
                  Adult: $50-$65
                  Newborn to 4 yrs $30                                                                                                                                          Children /adolescent aged 5 to 11 yrs. $35
Teens 12-17 yrs. $40

Ultrasound Therapy: $23

Medicare sets the price every January 1st. This year it ranges from $22.74 to $34.80 depending on the complexity.

Massage Therapy $75 60 minutes

$113 90 minutes

Good Faith Estimates

In late 2020, the No Surprises Act was passed, with the aim of making sure that all healthcare providers provide patients with accurate information regarding their expected health care spending. One of the goals of the act was to make sure that patients don’t end up with medical bills that are greater than they anticipated. 

To this end, the act requires a “Good Faith Estimate”, which is a form that describes the services suggested and their cost. This requirement applies only to patients who are NOT submitting charges to an insurance company.  

As you know, we here at WWHC have always been transparent about our pricing and have information about charges listed on our website. We have patients ‘pay as you go’ so there aren’t any unexpected large bills. We will continue to make our pricing transparent and will be providing these Good Faith Estimates to both new and existing patients. For more information about Good Faith Estimates, please see: https://www.cms.gov/nosurprises. Please let us know if you have any further questions.  

Frequently Asked Questions About Insurance

Is WWHC “in-network” with my insurance company?

WWHC only participates in-network with insurance provided by The Ohio State University. We are out of network with all other insurance companies.

What does it mean to be “out-of network” with my insurance?

Being out-of-network with most insurance providers means that we don’t know what kind of coverage you may or may not have for chiropractic care in our office. Therefore, instead of charging a “copay” at each visit, we charge for the full cost of service. We have no way of knowing what your copay would be, so we collect the full cost. Although we are out-of-network, we are still happy to bill your insurance in case you are seeking reimbursement from your insurance company.

Will my insurance cover chiropractic care?

Because we aren’t in-network, we do not know whether or not you have insurance coverage. We are a small office unable to track each patient’s specific plan and payments. As a result, all patients for whom we bill insurance pay the same charge per visit. If your insurance covers chiropractic care, they will reimburse you directly. Insurance plans are all very different and may only cover part of the fee.

Will Medicare cover chiropractic care?

Medicare, if it is your primary insurance, usually covers a portion of chiropractic care, however, the coverage varies by individual. If you have an Advantage plan or PPO, you will not have coverage in our office. WWHC is a Non-Participating Medicare provider, which means you pay us directly and Medicare will reimburse you. Medicare sets the price yearly and based on your level of care varies between $27 to $49. As with other types of insurance, your Medicare coverage may have a deductible or limitations on the number of covered visits per year. In addition, Medicare does not cover exam fees, ultrasound or massage therapy.

If you’re billing my insurance, why do I have to pay per visit?

Because we are a small office and not in network with most insurance providers, we need to collect the cost of services from you at each visit. Although you may receive payment from your insurance company, we do not know ahead of time whether or not you’re covered, if you’ve reached your deductible, etc.

How do I find out whether or not my insurance provides chiropractic coverage?

Follow this link to an interactive form that will help you get coverage information from your insurance:
